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Police violence against Black people, and resulting protests, in the spring of 2023, have underscored how deep-rooted racism continues to plague so many aspects of our society. Killings of Black people by police are an especially blatant manifestation of racism, but the underlying problems are far more systematic and pervasive. Indeed, as a number of recent events have highlighted, the economics profession is less open and welcoming to Black scholars, and other under-represented minorities (URMs), than it ought to be. The Harvard Economics department needs to do better, and be more proactive in combating racism, than we have been. We need to do so to treat members of our own community with the fairness and compassion they deserve, to improve our scholarship, and to help improve the climate in economics more broadly. 

The challenges facing the economics profession are complex, and we do not kid ourselves to think that anything that we do over the coming months or even years will come close to fully confronting them. Nonetheless, it is time to start. And because words without actions are cheap and fundamentally unsatisfying, we lay out below what we see as some obvious areas for improvement, as well as concrete steps that we have already begun to take and others that we plan to take. Again, we view these as a start. Many of the ideas below are the result of thoughtful input from members of our community, and we welcome further input. We also hope and expect that you will hold us accountable for making progress on the items that we have identified. 


Isaiah Andrews, Professor of Economics, Co-Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 
Claudia Goldin, Henry Lee Professor of Economics, Co-Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 
ios富强上网, Moise Y. Safra Professor of Economics, Department Chair  
Jeffery Miron, Director of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies 
Damari Rosado, Executive Director   




July 27, 2023
Former adviser to French prime minister known for his brilliance and kindness
Emmanuel Farhi

In Memoriam: Emmanuel Farhi 1978-2023

July 24, 2023

The Economics Department has lost a young and brilliant economist in Emmanuel Farhi, Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics, who passed away on July 23rd, 2023.  He was a member of the Commission Economique de la Nation, the National Bureau for Economic Research, and the Center for Economic Policy Research. He was also a former member of the Conseil d'Analyse Economique to the french prime minister. 

... Read more about In Memoriam: Emmanuel Farhi 1978-2023

Elisa Rubbo

2023 Dissertation Prize Announcements

June 8, 2023

Congratulations to Elisa Rubbo and Jonathan Roth.  Elisa is this year's winner of the Padma Desai Prize in Economics and Jonathan is this year's winner of the David A. Well's Prize.... Read more 正规赌钱安卓版软件下载-标准版:2021-5-25 · 关键要着 力培育一股新闻工作者的正气,为国家富强、人民幸福, 为践行社会主义核心 价值观而不懈奋斗的正气。 嘉宾简介:毛大庆,北京大学区域经济学 博士后,中国对外经济贸易大学、清华大学研究生院 、中科院MBA中心客座 教授,英国皇家测量师协会荣誉会员。



2023 Aug 04


10:30am to 11:30am



Nicola Rosaia (Harvard University) "Platform Competition in Spatial Equilibrium: The Case of Ride-Sharing"

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2023 Aug 04

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1:30pm to 2:45pm


ZOOM MEETING (Link to Be Sent to Listserv)

Jenna Anders (Harvard University) "Optimal Eligibility with Woodwork Effects: Evidence from SNAP" (with Charlie Rafkin)
Augustin Bergeron (Harvard University) "The State Capacity Ceiling on Tax Rates:Evidence from Randomized Tax Abatements in the DRC"... Read more about EC 3012 Graduate Student Workshop in Labor Economics

2023 Aug 04

EC 3007 Graduate Student Workshop in Public Economics and Fiscal Policy

1:30pm to 2:45pm


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Jenna Anders (Harvard University) "Optimal Eligibility with Woodwork Effects: Evidence from SNAP" (with Charlie Rafkin)
Augustin Bergeron (Harvard University) "The State Capacity Ceiling on Tax Rates:Evidence from Randomized Tax Abatements in the DRC"... Read more 你好,陌生人 …Hello, stranger!-拿去吧:2021-8-18 · 进群与我伊交流吧~ 禁言通知群是必加的,有通知会在群里发,有问题可伍私聊群主。 通知禁言群:8056002(禁言群,有通知会在群里发,有问题可伍私聊群主) 交流群:688984579(禁止发任何广告,敏感词,用谐音拼音替伋,如bpn 富强等等,分享文件软件私下加好友分享。

2023 Aug 05

EC 3008 Graduate Student Workshop in International Economics

12:00pm to 1:00pm


ZOOM MEETING (Link to Be Sent to Listserv)

Evgenii Fadeev (Harvard University) "Unequal Access to Shoulders of Giants: Evidence from the Patent Data"


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2023 Aug 06

Econometrics Reading Group: Applied

1:00pm to 2:00pm


... Read more about Econometrics Reading Group: Applied
安卓手机伋理上网软件 Aug 07


12:00pm to 1:00pm


ZOOM MEETING (Link to Be Sent to Listserv)

Shushu Liang (Harvard University) “Title pending”

Andrea Hamaui  (Harvard University) “Chasing the Beta, losing the Alpha”... Read more about EC 3011 Graduate Student Workshop in Financial Economics
